2017. március 24., péntek

Nice news

Nice news!

Árpád Molnár PhD student of our group has reached 3rd place in the "József Sófi Scholarship Conference". 

He presented his work entitled "Protein tyrosine nitration as a biomarker for plant selenium sensitivity."

We are proud of him, congratulations! 👏 🙌 🙌

Here you can find an article about this Conference (in Hungarian):
click here

2017. március 23., csütörtök

Lab life, lab stuff! 👀 🙌

We did some small nice and useful developments in the lab.
  • We bought an illuminating keyboard with which data evaluation in the dark is much more comfortable.
  • A lamp with different illuminating colours was purchased as well. We can change colours, thus the light does not disturb microscopic observation. What a colourful lab! :)
  • And a magnetic table for the useful scientific (and not so scientific) massages/comments.

We are working! :D

2017. március 16., csütörtök

2017. március 14., kedd

Hello Everybody!

Let me report about a joyful event happend on 9th March 2017. 

I presented my scientific and classroom habilitation lectures both in English and in Hungarian!

It was really exhausting but I think I did well :)

Let me show 2 pictures (taken by my colleague, Dr. Péter Poór):

Scientific presentation (I am showing the appearance of stress-induced morphogenic response phenotype in Brassica species)

Classroom presentation (I am explaining the meristem cell structures)

Now, I can focus on research again ;)