2017. február 21., kedd

Wiener Schnitzel, Mozartkugel and Conference

Dear Readers, Greetings from Wien!

I am visiting the Conference entitled "Plant Nutrition, Growth and Environment Interactions III".
This was the last day of the conference, tomorrow I travel home.
I heard interesting talks e.g. about iron transport, signalling, N/nitrate signalling, sulphur accumulation. The invited speakers presented the highest level science.
Now, I am full of new ideas :)

I presented a poster about selenium-influenced root architectural changes and the involvement of ethylene in this process.
And let me show some pictures about my last 3 days in Wien:

Conference people

Posters (only 19 posters were presented)

Me and my poster

And a last picture indicating that I am really in Wien (Stephansdom and platz):
I am glad to be here (thanks for János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and for the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (grant No. NFKI-6, K120383).

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